2 min readDec 30, 2020


Intro and Welcome to Hindsight

Welcome to my blog, Hindsight.

Dedicated to my husband, children, and grandchildren. They have given my life meaning, purpose, and joy. You all are so special. I am so grateful for family!

When you think of me I hope you remember the laughter, the fun, and the good times. And oh my, remember and never, ever forget how much I love you.

Hindsight. They say, it’s always 20/20. Ever ponder over the past and wish you’d done things differently? Of course, we all have. Oh my, to be young again and know what we know now. I want to tell you true stories, anecdotes, thoughts, opinions, and little bit of anything else that strikes my fancy. The musings of a granny. A young one! Hey, I’m the cool, fun one. Or so I’ve been told. But a granny, nonetheless. Which means, I’ve been around awhile. I know some stuff. I’ve done stuff. And if I haven’t done it, I thought about it or knew someone who did!

As much as things change they stay the same. What was happening when I was a teen/young adult still applies today. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could learn from someone else’s mistakes instead of making them ourselves? If we could absorb someone else’s wisdom instead of acquiring it the hard way? The stories told will be true, having happened to my family, someone I know, friends, co-workers, or myself. Many will be told in the third person. Names will be changed to protect the innocent. And the guilty. But still keep in mind the stories are someone’s true experience. My hope is that the reader will be inspired to think. To give consideration to the thoughts and ideas of another. To learn from someone else’s ideas, thoughts, experiences and consequences. That they may gain insight and perspective. And that they will move into the future with resolutions, solutions, a better understanding, confidence and a sense of purpose. Remember, you always have a choice. Choose to be kind.




A young, fun Granny. That's me. Been around the block and back again. Gained hindsight and insight I want to share about love, family and life in general.